28. Juli 2013

my first post

Hi! My name is Laura and I am 14 years old. I live in Hamburg, Germany. Long time ago I started my Tumblr because I love to take pictures. I sent Adidas NEO pictures of me and NEO clothes. They liked my pictures and told me to start an own fashion blog. Adidas NEO is the one reason why I'll start an own fashion blog. I would like to show the world how many possibilities the fashion world has to offer. I also want to change the world! I want to give you all the strength to believe in yourself. Nothing is impossible if you believe in it! My inspiration is Justin Bieber. He has given me the strength to believe in myself and to never give up. As a child he had nothing except a big dream and a supportive family. The name 'the key is to believe' fits to what I want to convey. And this is what this blog is about.

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